look-up table

英 美
  • 查表法,查表,见map
  • look v.看;寻找;显得看起来;注视;面向n.看;样子;脸色
  • table n.桌子;台子;餐桌;一桌人;表格;目录;(竞赛的)排名榜vt.搁置;将...放于桌上;提交讨论;列入表中adj.桌子的
  • up adv.向上;起来;上升;往上prep.向上adj.向上的;上行的n.上升v.上升;增加
    1. Digital look-up table method for synthesizing periodic signals is the most popular technique for direct digital frequency synthesis.
    2. In most quantum mechanics textbooks, the determination of coupling vectors of multiple angular momentums was usually by looking up tables because of its complex calculation.